I suggest this:
Take everybody who does not think that waterboarding is torture, such as Senator Kit Bond, or everyone who is unsure, such as attorney General Mukasey.
And waterboard them. Ask them some serious questions and waterboard them to get the answers.
If someone such as John Yoo thinks that beatings short of organ failure is not torture, then beat the living shit out of him. If Rudy Guiliani thinks sleep deprivation or other techniques are not torture, then subject him to it.
What Daniel Levin was in the Justice Department and he wanted to know if it was torture or not, he had himself waterboarded. And he came away convinced it was torture.
If you think a form of questioning isn't torture, then subject yourself to it.
Valid Vibe, But Misplaced Admonishment
52 minutes ago
That is indeed a modest suggestion. I would suggest that those persons should have to watch while their mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, spouses, pets, etc. get treated to free simulated drowning.
I do like that suggestion, Vicki. I suspect that some of those bastards wouldn't turn a hair at that, though.
If anybody thinks that if they strapped their two year old child to a board then suffocated said child with a damp cloth until near death, then repeated this several times, that they wouldn't be hauled off and buried *under* the jail for child abuse, I have some oceanside property in Nevada to sell them. And if it's child abuse if done to a child, it's torture if done to an adult. Period. End of discussion.
- Badtux the Intolerant Penguin
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