I made the mistake one year, many, many years ago, of going to the mall on the day after Thanksgiving. It was a bit of a schlep to get there, I had a cup of Dunkin's finest with me to fortify me on the drive. After I arrived at the Gates of Hell Mall, I found one parking space after cruising around the parking lot and I and walked to the entrance. On the way there, I saw a cream-colored BMW that some putz had parked cater-corner across two parking spaces so nobody could ding his precious widdle Beemer.
I took my cup of coffee (cream, no sugar) and poured it lovingly over the windshield and hood of that car. Then I set the cup on the roof of the car. When I came out of the mall 90 minutes later with my swag, the cup was still there. And it had been joined by two others and it appeared that their contents had also been poured over the BMW.
(Hey, at least I didn't key it or smash in the windshield.)
I was given a Bugs Bunny action figure with an Acme anvil-shooting gun.
I was also given a DVD of V for Vendetta. I've watched a couple of the special features, but not the DVD of the movie yet.
Oops, here's George. Time to shoot off an anvil.
Anvil shooting is great fun. Did you know there is an anvil-shooting contest each year in Laurel, MS?
Lurch, I had no idea. But wouldn't that more appropriately be "anvil blasting?"
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