The New York Times has a story in today's paper about the shoddy electrical work being down by KBR's contractors and subcontractors. Soldiers have been shocked and, in some cases, electrocuted. This is not a new problem, this has been happening for almost four years.
Officially, KBR expresses great concern. Unofficially, they don't give a shit:
" “The excuse KBR always used was, ‘This is a war zone — what do you expect?’ ” recalled Jeffrey Bliss, an Ohio electrician who worked for the company in Afghanistan in 2005 and 2006."
So I propose this: The next time a soldier gets electrocuted because of the shoddy work done by KBR or its contractors, let's just take the president of KBR, march him down to Old Sparky and toast his fucking ass.
I'll bet his replacement gets the problem fixed toute d'suite!
Small Talk, Big Trouble
23 minutes ago
1 comment:
Actually, I think that should be the case for *any* CEO. Your company sells lead-lined toys? Well, you (the CEO) are put in prison with a passle of said toys and required to lick them for what little remains of your life. You're a chemical company CEO whose company dumps toxic wastes into the drinking water for a million people, causing hundreds of babies to be born without brains? Report to surgery to have your brain removed, comrade!
If you make the head of the enterprise responsible for the deeds of the enterprise, why, you'd be amazed at just how suddenly spic and span and safe everything gets. I mean, do you really think KBR would have sent untreated water to the showers if KBR's CEO knew he'd be required to drink gallons of that nasty water if he got caught? Nuh uhn. He'd be supervising that shit like his life was on the line. Because it would be.
Won't happen, of course. Shit flows downhill. It's always some line manager way down at the bottom end of the shitpile who gets shitcanned, and the CEO always comes out smelling like roses as he dumps on the folks below him. But a penguin can dream, eh?
- Badtux the Dreaming Penguin
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