"I understand that for some, however, Mother's Day is a sad day for those who lost their lives in Oklahoma and Missouri and Georgia because of the tornadoes, are wondering whether or not tomorrow will be a bright and hopeful day." - George W. Bush's Mother's Day statement.
"Bright and hopeful days" are kind of beyond the point when you are dead. But take heart, the Bush Administration is moving to help! For as Bush said: "We send our prayers to those who lost their lives, the families of those who lost their lives. And the federal government will be moving hard to help."
No doubt Heckuvajob Brownie himself is on the way with a shovel....
(H/T to JH)
Maybe TikTok Should Have Stayed Banned A Little Longer
14 minutes ago
Oh come on now, you know it's not real. It's just, like, this reality TV show named "Survivor: Tornado", and after all the filming is done, why, all those poor dead mothers and fathers and sons and daughters will drag themselves out of their shallow graves and meet in the shooting shed for canapes and champagne, yessiree!
At least, if you're a delusional batshit crazy Republican who lost touch with reality somewhere around the 100th pound of coke up your nose, that's what it is.
- Badtux the non-delusional Penguin
I truly hope the motherfucker lies dead in the street in front of his idiot mother's house and rots there as they have left so many others.
Oh golly, do I sound angry? Maybe bitter?
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