It just gets my dander up when I see stuff like this from Bill Clinton:
The former president added that his wife had not been given the respect she deserved as a legitimate presidential candidate.
"She is winning the general election today and he is not, according to all the evidence," Clinton said. "And I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen a candidate treated so disrespectfully just for running."
What a humongous crock of shit. There is no "general election" going on. There is a primary contest and, furthermore, what counts is the number of delegates. (You know, just like in the general election, where what counts is the number of electoral votes [Bill, go ask Al Gore about this, he'll fill you in].) This is just the sort of sad sack shit that I have come to expect from the Clinton campaign: If one metric is in favor of her, seize on that metric and ignore all others, including the only one that counts.
This is beyond pathetic. This is like saying "well the Giants scored more points, but the Rams had more plays, so the Rams win." Talk about changing the rules in the game two minutes before the end of the 4th quarter....
And when Bill says that Hillary Clinton has not "received the respect" due to a viable candidate, he is so full of shit that flies should be going in and out of his ears. What she hasn't managed to do is to get the press to fawn over her. The press is paying attention to what she says and if he doesn't like that, then she is in the wrong career path.
So Tired Of Snow Tires
2 hours ago
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