A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.We're going from "you don't need no stinkin' mask" to "you should wear a mask when you're indoors with other people."
"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.
Everybody needs a hobby
1 hour ago
BBBBUttt "Masks don't work on ordinary people....only trained medical personnel.
At least that is what they were saying up until 3 days ago.
Lies and misdirection.
And ya can't blame that on Donnie, but rather on the CDC.
Either way, they have (once again) lied to us.
It bears repeating that this virus is a new critter and we are still learning about it.
Only fools expect all the answers right off the bat.
Don’t see where Trump is to blame for this, unless you count letting the pandemic grow while he promised it would be gone by now.
Dr. Roy, how about eliminating all planning for pandemics? That was Trump's doing.
"BBBBUttt "Masks don't work on ordinary people....only trained medical personnel.
At least that is what they were saying up until 3 days ago.
Lies and misdirection."
Kinda like Fox News* at first saying that the corona virus is not big deal (following their leaders word salad), a Democratic hoax to get back at trump, blah-blah-blah. Now they're advising for folks to take the same actions as the NIH recommends. Lies and misdirection.
So, where is the Fake News? Anyone?
B, bzck on 3/23 you said that the hysteria didn't match the crisis. I'm wondering, what's your threshold? Trump says that losing the equivalent of 2 to 4 Vietnam wars in a couple of months will be "a good job". Is there any number that will make you admit you were wrong, that Trump is an ass who has killed more Americans than Hitler, Giap and Kaiser Wilhelm combined?
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti is issuing guidelines that everyone wear masks when they go out in public, making the distinction between medical grade masks that are in such short supply and simple cloth coverings that would go a long way toward limiting the virus particles you breathe out into the air that others will breathe in.
As long as we don't have many tools to use to fight this pandemic, it sort of makes sense to use the ones we do have, as imperfect as they may be.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Given the insanity of the anti-vaxx crowd, the fact that the Fox viewership think that the virus' dangers are exaggerated and also that the Southern states and Midwest states (Trump weakholds) aren't self isolating
I have to wonder: will a substantial fraction of these loons turn out to have, so to speak, committed suicide and/or have a crisis of faith and begin to wonder about the Koolaid they've been drinking?
This substantive fraction of America may be pushing for a Darwin Award. Trump may have been able to murder someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue. But not 100 or 200 thousands dead due to his incompetence...either by waking them up or killing them off.
A truly wretched way for the Right to 'come to Jesus'. Franklin had it that 'Experience is a dear school, but fools will learn at no other.'
Yep, I do Still think the "Hysteria doesn't match the crisis".
SO far the projections show (maybe) 300K...more likely less. On the order of the last crisis. in 2009
(Even the "official: projections have come down to those, or similar levels. The media is still implying millions, but death and tragedy is their stock in trade. You might remember that before you panic because of what the media tells you.
SO far the projections show (maybe) 300K...more likely less.
Except it’s going to strain the medical facilities in many areas, especially rural ones underserved by a lack of hospitals/clinics. Funny how someone who can’t name the four nucleotides that make up DNA, or explain how RNA works, knows so much about molecular virology.
Ok, 6 Vietnam wars. Alrighty then.
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