Seen on the street in Kyiv.

Words of Advice:

"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- The TOFF *

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shall Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"Stay Strapped or Get Clapped." -- probably not Mr. Rogers

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

* "TOFF" = Treasonous Orange Fat Fuck,
"FOFF" = Felonious Old Fat Fuck,
"COFF" = Convicted Old Felonious Fool,
A/K/A Commandante (or Cadet) Bone Spurs,
A/K/A El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago, A/K/A the Asset,
A/K/A P01135809, A/K/A Dementia Donnie, A/K/A Felon^34,
A/K/A Dolt-45, A/K/A Don Snoreleone

Friday, July 26, 2024

Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Weirder

The Hillbilly Liar watches dolphin porn while fucking his couch. Allegedly.

My recollection of the part of Ohio he's from is that it's pretty flat. His claiming to be a hillbilly because his grandparents were from there would be like Trump claiming to be German. But since he clearly worships Hitler, maybe...

Cute Gun Video, Sort Of

"The Roscoe" is a five-shot steel .38 snub from Heritage Mfg, which is owned by Taurus.

They seem cheap enough. I'd look at the Armscor M206 for a cheap revolver for the extra round.

I'd still go with a Colt Detective Special or a new Cobra.

BLM Can Go Eat a Bag of Richards

President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he was leaving the presidential race and endorsed Harris to replace him at the top of the Democratic ticket to face Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, in November. Biden had faced pressure to step aside after a disastrous debate performance last month magnified concerns about the 81-year-old's age and ability to beat Trump and serve a second term.

By Monday evening, Harris had secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party's nominee, The Associated Press reported.

Responding to the development, Black Lives Matter criticized Democrats for not giving voters a say—and called on the Democratic National Committee to host a virtual snap primary ahead of the party's convention in August

Reeeeally smooth move, guys. One of two people will be the 47th president. One of whom has said, repeatedly, that BLM protesters should be shot in the legs. Now you're going to piss off the other person.

It also shows a basic lack of understanding of how conventions and delegates function. Let me recap: Delegates are bound for only the first vote. After that, they can vote for whomever they want. Second, any candidate is free to release his or her delegates in advance of the convention. Nikki Haley got 97 delegates, Ol' Shimp Boots got three (costing his campaign over $12 million apiece). All of them were released by those candidates to vote for the GOP's cult leader.

But, let's face it, the leadership of BLM is comprised of idiots and terrorist sympathizers.

And the pro-Hamas demonstrators can also go eat a bag of rancid richards.

The Hillbilly Liar

Dementia Donnie Quakes in His Shoes

He's not going to debate Kamala Harris.

Probably because he's losing his shit, mentally, and he knows it.

Because It's Friday

Looks like the Crummy Express!

Bet Money on the Russians Doing This

France’s high-speed rail network was hit Friday with widespread and “criminal” acts of vandalism including arson attacks, paralyzing travel to Paris from across the rest of France and Europe only hours before the grand opening ceremony of the Olympics.

French officials condemned the attacks as “criminal actions,” though they said there was no sign of a direct link to the Games, and prosecutors in Paris opened a national investigation saying the crimes could carry sentences of 15 to 20 years

My guess is that the Russians had a hand in it, which is not just unfounded speculation, because of this:

French authorities have foiled several plots to disrupt the 2024 Olympics, including the arrest of a Russian chef involved in one of them, officials have said.
Paris prosecutors said on Wednesday they had arrested a 40-year-old Russian man on Tuesday at his Paris apartment on suspicion of planning to "destabilise the Olympic Games".

He was charged with "conducting intelligence work on behest of a foreign power" with an aim to "provoke hostilities in France," crimes punishable with a 30-year sentence in France, according to a statement from the Paris prosecutor's office.

A coordinated attack such as that has serious professional fingerprints. The Russians have been engaging in acts of sabotage in Europe since most nations in Europe haven't fallen on their backs to surrender to Russia's imperialist ambitions.

Russia, notwithstanding the efforts of Tuckyo Rose, J.D. Vance and Tulsi Gabbard, is a nation that is as hostile to the rest of Europe and to the U.S. as was Nazi Germany.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Fucking Over the Customers for Fun and Profit is What American Corporations Do

Southwest Airlines is to allow customers to reserve seats, scrapping the free-for-all of unassigned seating it has operated for 50 years.

The company said it also planned to charge for "premium" seats with more leg room, add red-eye flights, and redesign its boarding system.

The announcements came as the firm reported that profits plunged in the April-June period to $367m, down 46% compared with last year.

Chief executive Bob Jordan said the seating changes would "unlock new sources of revenue".
It had been known as a holdout in the industry for not hitting customers with extra fees for items such as checked baggage.

But its share price has dropped sharply over the last few years, as its profitability lags others in the industry.
"Although our unique open seating model has been a part of Southwest Airlines since our inception... this is the right choice - at the right time - for our customers, our people, and our shareholders," Mr Jordan said.

Shares in the firm rose more than 6% after the announcement

Let's be clear about it: Jordan doesn't give a rat's ass about the employees or the customers. It's all about the share price. It's all about raping the customers as hard as they can to maximize revenue and please Wall Street.

MBAs and banksters have ruined this country. They've wrecked Boeing, they've made the other airlines into flying shitshows and now they're coming for the last airline that actually gave a shit about its passengers.

If you can't drive to where you're going, I respectfully suggest that you stay the fuck home.

Sexism, You Betcha

Imagine that Kamala Harris had five children by three husbands and that one of those kids was born two months before the wedding. You can bet the farm that the Republicans would be making massive amounts of hay over her supposed immorality and loose standards. Bible Mike and the rest of the Christan Taliban would be bleating about that every three hours on Fox News.

But that is exactly what Donald Trump did: Five kids by three wives and one of them was born two months before the wedding.

The self-styled party of morality doesn't give a shit about that. Because it's OK if you're a Republican.

(Yes, I made this point eight years ago. It's still valid.)

Towing These Down, Here

The Dumbest and Most Childish Reason to Choose a Running Mate

"He like me." -- The TOFF is devolving to using pidgen English.

It's time to give a cognitive test to Dementia Donnie.

That clip of Vance trying to tell a joke was about the most awkward campaign moment since Romney tried to get a crowd to chant "Romney Ryan".

Shorter Mike Johnson: "Put Your White Robes Back in the Closet, Boys."

Leaders of the House Republican caucus scolded members on Tuesday after several representatives went off-script to attack Vice President Kamala Harris on the basis of her race and gender, according to multiple reports.

Sexism, racism and stupidity are not good ways to support your candidate, fools. He can touch those bases (or biases) all by himself.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

And I am Officially Not Going to Run In the 4x400 Meter Relay Race At the Paris Olympics (Plus More QAnon-Grade Bullshit)

Like anyone had any intention at all of asking that treacherous fuckwad to be Harris's running mate.

Unfortunately, I've become aware that there are anacephanics out there who believe that the attempted assassination of the FOFF was a Democratic plot. Which is just evidence of severe retardation on their part.

Think it through. There would have an open convention and the leading candidate to step in would have been Nikki Haley. Haley would have probably wiped the floor with Biden and, given his disasterous debate performance, stepping aside to let Harris run would have looked a lot less noble than it appears to be now. The COFF is probably the most beatable person who was on the GOP's primary stage, other than maybe Vivek Ramaswamy.

Of course, they might have nominated Ol' Shrimp Boots, a man so repulsive that he makes Ted Cruz look human.

So it is a stupid conspiracy thory and the fact that it is the COFF's dain-bramaged sons pushing it only goes to illustrate that point.

GOP Now Rebranding Itself As The He-Man Women Hater's Club

JD Vance is a charter member.

Comments JD Vance made in 2021 questioning Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership because she did not have biological children have resurfaced, testing the young conservative senator in his early days campaigning as part of the Republicans’ presidential ticket.

During Vance’s bid for the Senate in Ohio, he said in a Fox News interview that “we are effectively run in this country via the Democrats,” and referred to them as “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” He said that included Harris, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat.

“How does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?” asked Vance, who is now Donald Trump’s running mate. Harris became stepmother to two teenagers when she married entertainment lawyer Douglas Emhoff in 2014. And Buttigieg announced he and his husband adopted infant twins in September 2021, more than a month before Vance made those comments.

Guess Vance forgot that George Washington didn't have any kids. Neither did The Most Racist President in American History (Pre-Trump), Andrew Jackson, who is, coincidentally, the COFF's favorite president.

Families might be childless for a number of reasons beyond their control, but that doesn't matter to the TOFF's inexperienced, soulless, and comemptuous understudy.

Why Hasn't the AG of MO Been Disbarred, Already?

That piece of shit in a suit has apparently decided that he can defy lawful orders of the courts.

A woman whose murder conviction was overturned after she served 43 years of a life sentence was released Friday, despite attempts in the last month by Missouri’s attorney general to keep her behind bars.

Sandra Hemme, 64, left a prison in Chillicothe, hours after a judge threatened to hold the attorney general’s office in contempt if they continued to fight against her release.
During a court hearing Friday, Judge Ryan Horsman said that if Hemme wasn’t released within hours, Bailey himself would have to appear in court Tuesday morning. He threatened to hold the attorney general’s office in contempt.
He also scolded Bailey’s office for calling the warden and telling prison officials not to release Hemme after he ordered her to be freed in her own recognizance. “I would suggest you never do that,” Horsman said, adding: “To call someone and tell them to disregard a court order is wrong.”

I'm going to bet that this isn't the first time he's told people that it's optional to obey court orders. That seems to be the way of so-called conservatives.

And, of course, it's happened again.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

2024: The Cop Vs. The Felon.

Which is probably a very short way to sum up this election.

And, if you disagree with that characterization of Vice Oresident Harris, remember, attorney generals are the chief law enforcement officers for their jurisdiction.

Skinking These Down, Here

Demented Donnie Keeps Attacking Biden (Plus, Even More Racism)

President Biden has dropped out of the race, but he continues to live, rent-free, in the FOFF's head.

Former President Donald Trump attacked President Joe Biden (D) in a social media tirade following Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.

Trump posted to his social media platform, Truth Social, ten times on Sunday and Monday morning to criticize Biden. He spoke about Biden’s mental fitness, his belief that it was unfair to the GOP to face a new candidate at this point in the election, and called his decision undemocratic.

I can't think of anyone older than seven years old who complains about things being unfar as much as that fat old convict. For a guy who was born into wealth, who was pulling down a six-figure salary before he finished second grade and who inherited a bunch of money, including that which he allegedly stole from other family members and who has allegedly gotten away with fraud of several kinds and screwed over contractor after contractor, boy howdy, life has been so unfair to him.

Fat, crooked and convicted is no way to go through life.

Meanwhile, let's have fun with the delicious fact that he and Ivanka donated several grand to Kamala Harris's campaigns in 2011, 2013 and 2014.

And, of course, because the Democrats are running a candidate who is not white, the racist birthers are back.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Because the Snark Keeps Piling Up

Just What This Race Needs: Another Old White Guy

Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) is considering reregistering as a Democrat and running for the party’s presidential nomination after President Joe Biden announced he would end his reelection campaign on Sunday.

Or this:

Sen. Joe Manchin of Virginia, who briefly sparked fears among Democrats that he could re-register as a Democrat and challenge Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidential nomination, has ruled out running.

Manchin is a threat to Harris? Get fucking real, pundits. First off, when the issue is that the first guy chosen was too old, replacing him with a guy a few years younger does not solve the problem.

Second, Manchin is a fucking tool. Doe he think anyone has forgotten his outright treachery to the rest of the caucus in the Senate, that by using the rules, he elevated himself to being nearly a king of the body? If he needed a clue as to how that plays out, he only need look at what that level of perfidity has done to his good buddy Sinema's career, who retired rather than be primaried out of existence.

All those in favor of Joe Manchin as the party's nominee, applaud.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

One Touchstone to Keep in Mind Over the Coming Days: Fuck the Republicans, Every Last One of Them

ETA: Read what Jess Piper has to say on this.

The MAGA Morons are going to be bleating that Biden has to run because he's the nominee. He's not. The nomination is not official until the convention. Delegates are normally bound only for the first vote and then they can vote for whomsover they want. It's not unheard of for candidates to release their delegates; how many delegates voted for Nikki Haley last week at the Nazi MAGA party rally last week?

They're going to bleat that this is unfair to those who voted for Biden, which is even more bullshit, because Republicans don't give a fuck about any of that.

So, however this plays out, fuck Republicans. Every one of them. They all hate this country, they want to destroy our democracy, which is the entire point of Project 2025.

Biden recognized that he's not up for this and he stepped aside as a candidate. The other fucker, well, he's been convicted of felonies, has lost civil cases for sexual assault and defamation and yet his cult is standing behind him.

We're now in interesting times, folks. Strap in.

And keep your powder dry.


As far as I am concerned, every one of those cocksuckers who have publicly called for Biden to step down are gutless, frightened weasels. I'm not rich, so they won't care, but they are all dead to me.

I'd go sit shiva in their offices if I could. I wish that I was rich, so I could threaten not to give any money to those 30+ assholes who pushed him out.

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise

Saturday, July 20, 2024

No Wonder Vance Wants the Ukrainians to Give Up

If this report is accurate, things are not going well for his patron's armies.

In Ukraine there is additional evidence of Russian shortages as dead Russian soldiers are found alongside their 1890s vintage Mosin-Nagant rifles. Since over 39 million of these rifles were produced between 1891 and 1973, millions of them are still in use and many are being issued to Russian soldiers sent to Ukraine.

How the bloody hell could the Russians run out of Kalashnikovs? And SkS carbines? Didn't they make tens of millions of them?


I was walking into the public library this morning and heard the noise of an airplane that I couldn't identify by sound. Then it came over the tree lime and flew over the library in about 1000' AGL.

it was a Skymaster, a Cessna 337. Those airplanes have the reputation of being serious maintenance, hogs, between the landing gear and the rear engine.those airplanes have the reputation of being serious maintenance, hogs, between the landing gear and the rear engine.

but there is something about them that appeals to me. I wish I could have flown one.

but those days are gone, and there is no point in dwelling on it.



Friday, July 19, 2024

So, One Dumbshit Act Cripples Computer Systems Around the World

A faulty software update caused technological havoc worldwide on Friday, grounding flights, knocking down some financial companies and news outlets, and disrupting hospitals, small businesses and government offices.

If a "faulty software update" can do that much damage, how much damage could be done by a malicious act? The damages from this are likely in the many millions of dollars range, just in aviation alone. How many have died because EMS wasn't timely dispatched? The lawsuits will be interesting.

But clearly, the computer networks are incredibly fragile for systems so vital to modern living.

The Gift to the Democrats

"Kinder, humane Trump" lasted only for a few days.

He went off the rails soon after starting his speech. Usual insane clown bullshit, which most of the papers and broadcasters ignore. If any other politician spoke as though Hannibal Lecter was a real person and praised America's enemies and frenemies, they would be toast, if not in a straightjacket. But the Asset blabbers on and his slavish cult members eat that shit right up.

Extra! Extra! Dashing These Down, Here

Because It's Friday

A little bit of contrast with last week's entry.