That was the brainchild of John Poindexter;
a plan where the government (DoD or NSA) would track everything that everyone was doing with the goal of trying to spot terrorist acts before it happened. That, at least, was a program with some degree of accountability to Congress and the American people.
But now, the Corrupt Felon has permitted the World's Richest Illegal Alien to install his own servers in government offices to vacuum up
the data of all Americans. Musk is completely unaccountable; he has bought Trump and the GOP and they are letting him do whatever he wants to do. Conflicts of interest?
Nobody is watching him. It's like giving Willie Sutton the keys to Fort Knox and telling him that it's his job to self-report if he steals anything.
Both Musk and Trump are criminals. Musk has a gang of immature co-conspirators to help him steal hand and fist.
Conflicts of interest? The first thing that he did was go after USAID because
they were investigting StarLink for fraud. Of course, the Corrupt Felon is letting Elon go wild; for Musk bought the Felon for nearly $300 million.
It's not clear to me that the Republic will survive Musk's looting. But if it does, rest assured, all of those involved will eventually face a judge and be held to account for their treachery and thievery.
Maybe not Musk, for he'll take his billions and buy another country. And as for the Old Orange Criminal, he'll probably be in a memory care facility by then.