Best To Let Them Float Back To Their Boat
2 hours ago
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
If you're one of the Covidiots who believe that COVID-19 is "just the flu",
that the 2020 election was stolen, or
especially if you supported the 1/6/21 insurrection,
leave now.
Slava Ukraini!
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You need about 95 Somali families “resettled” in your neighborhood, Comrade...😆👍
That was sort of the attitude that people had towards my ancestors and, in point of fact, Steven Miller‘s ancestors, when they immigrated.
I’d rather have 1000 Somali families near me than yours, Glen.
Since the government offices that are required to process immigration applications are all closed for the foreseeable future, a thirty day immigration ban means what, exactly?
A show of what Fergus real aptitude is and always has been: pure assholery.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I think I mentioned not too long ago amongst some circles, quietly, without a lot of fanfare or knocking on wood, there's a perception, a glimpse perhaps of something dared not called hope - indeed, just mentioning it I risk having my tongue ripped out while rattlesnake venom is poured into my eyes - something kinda' on the q-t... maybe, just maybe, the Ghost Dance is working, that after all these years of wallowing in litter, filth and disease, inbreeding and bickering amongst yourselves y'awl'l die off, Glen, and we'll get our neighborhood back.
I believe that Mr. Filthie afflicts our northern neighbor. I’m not positive about that.
With all do respect, Cap'n, still my neighborhood.
Yep, First Nations people had a whole different set of boundaries.
As to some one crapping the neighborhood we have that one already.
It only takes one!
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