Actually, it's not a joke. The rabbit population of Robben Island has exploded.
Robben Island was were Nelson Mandela spent most of his time in prison. It is now a World Heritage Site. The rabbits are undermining the buildings and turning the island into a barren wasteland. Trapping didn't work very well, so riflemen are shooting them.
Predictably, there are some "animal rights" folk who are not happy. But fortunately, they are not prone to resorting to violence, like the anti-choicers.
Orange Rotation
2 hours ago
And you didn't put up that classic Ozzie Fudd?!
Luckily Mr. Fudd has not been given the task, otherwise the buildings would be toast right now since he can't shoot straight.
Wich reminds me, is Mr. Dick Cheney a relative of Mr. Fudd? Curious penguins have no intention of getting close enough to tell!
- Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin
Oooooh those wabbits on Wobbin Iswand! Undermining World Hewitage!
Bridget, OK, I asked for that one.
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