California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says Florida is "for the old people" and that no one wants to take a vacation in Iowa.California may have an incredibly messed-up government and the lowest bond rating in the nation, but he is right on both counts.
The Republican governor on Tuesday told a Silicon Valley conference on infrastructure that in comparison, his state has a reputation as a destination.
"No matter where you go in the world, people still want to come to California," Schwarzenegger said. "There's no one screaming like, 'I can't wait to get to Iowa.' That I can guarantee you. They want to come here to California."
When You’re A Rude Jerk, Your Problems Will Multiply
53 minutes ago
Sure, he's right on both counts. On the other hand, lots of people want to visit Mexico, too, but no one wants to live there.
If it wasn't for international immigrants California's population would be falling. "Domestic" outmigration, meaning the departure of US citizens, is greater than domestic immigration, putting California in the same illustrious company as Michigan and, yes, Iowa.
Thankfully, Iowans do not have a disastrous incompetent political class making their problems worse. They'll probably turn things around eventually.
Actually births have been driving California's population increase this last decade, not international immigrants. And the domestic outmigration has slowed considerably, though still negative.
That and $1 will get you a small coffee at McDonalds, even if you are Ahnold.
I couldn't wait to get out of California.
If you want to do anything in high technology, California is the place to be. The fact that low-paid people are flowing out of California because of the high housing costs (costs often imposed by geography, since mountains ring most metropolitan areas) does not change this reality.
Yes, California is a destination -- for high tech.
Iowa, on the other hand, is the destination for, err... destination?
- Badtux the High Tech Penguin
Iowa is a destination for pharma research; U-IA has a college of pharmacy.
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