This was probably foreseeable: Harold "I Was Five Months Off" Camping is doubling down on his prediction by throwing in another step in the process: A delay between the pronouncement of judgment and sentencing.
On October 22nd, the excuse will probably be that there was a delay printing at the verdict forms at Ye Celestial Printe Shoppe.
Anyone who buys this rusted-out Pinto of Prophecy this time around truly has rocks in their head.
Soon You’ll Just Pay Via Brain Wallet
53 minutes ago
Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
Rapture my butt, those that claim it are just being picked up by alien
visitors with a taste for meat. Hey, it is just as plausible.
I think Chief Dan George did the Rapture thing best at the end of "Little Big Man" when he climbed the mountain to die and didn't.
Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn't.
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