Defense Secretary Gates is telling the commanders to STFU in public. They are not lobbyists, they are soldiers. Their job is to give their opinions and recommendations to their chain of command and then, when the boss decides what will be done, to carry out their orders.
4-star generals are no different from privates in that regard. I suspect that General McChrystal was treading very close to being fired for insubordination, like another general was fired nearly sixty years ago for publicly questioning his orders, and that message was transmitted to him in no uncertain terms. If they don't like the job that they have been given, they are free to submit their resignations.
Only those seditious bastards in the GOP who have never worn a uniform are so ignorant as to dream of a military coup.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
2 hours ago
It has been interesting to watch the fireworks. I wouldn't equate McChrystal to MacArthur quite yet, though. Every three or four-star general officer has had his "oops, foot in mouth" moment. The good ones recover, the repeat offenders are retired. Hopefully this will continue.
I'm with J on equating McChrystal with MacArthur. MacArthur had a pretty good track record before he wanted to take on China and maybe start WWIII for no good reason and lipped off about it and got canned.
I could not agree with your last sentence more. A military coup is what passes for a masturbatory fantasy for old white Repug sore losers.
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