"I feel relevant,'' Lieberman said in a conference call with a handful of Connecticut reporters this afternoon.That is all that it is about. Lieberman needs to have his overblown sense of self-importance catered to. He was probably feeling all neglected as the Democrats and the White House was fawning over Sen. Olympia Snow, so Lieberman had to hog the spotlight to let the Democrats know that he matters.
Fuck him. LBJ used to say "better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in." That's not true of Lieberman; he is inside the Democrats' tent and he is pissing all over them.
There is no difference between having 60 Democrats in the senatorial caucus, counting Lieberman, and having 59 votes without him. Lieberman is an wholly untrustworthy and thoroughly self-absorbed scumbag. He has proven, time and time again, that he will slip the knife into the back of the Democratic caucus whenever it suits him, which just happens to be whenever. he feels the need to be on camera.
It'd be better for the Democrats if he were a Republican, for then he would just be one of a group of 41 obstructionist skells and he would be interchangeable with all of those other hairy bags of mostly water and sleaze.
And Haddassah makes more from Big Pharma than the Whore of Bridgeport makes in the Senate and he doesn't want to break that rice bowl.
One of my primary complaints about congresscritters (and the reason I am passionate about term limits) is the fact that it ALWAYS becomes about them. Never mind their constituents, never mind the country -- eventually, they give up all pretense and roll in the power and glory the way a pig wallows in shit.
Thurmond, Byrd, Specter...any congressperson who has been in for more that two terms is a narcissistic, selfish swine who needs to be run out on a rail.
Cranky, they had term limits in NYC. But Mayor Bloomberg decided that he wanted to run for a 3rd term, so he got the rules changed. I have no doubt that any other powerful political scumbag could also get the rules changed to benefit himself.
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