Did you know that amplifiers have a headset jack so that only you will hear your playing?
You should seriously consider using that feature. Because you don't exactly play like Les Paul.
More like RuPaul.
Buy some headphones, Bucko.
You Can’t Appeal To Customers Who Won’t Listen
49 minutes ago
Dear music hater, I hate to tell you this, but music doesn't sound the same from headphones as it does from a guitar amp. Headphones are designed to replicate a full spectrum of sound accurately. Guitar amps are optimized to make guitars sound good. Different goals, different sound.
If your neighbor needs guitar lessons, perhaps printing out an ad from a local outfit offering guitar lessons and sticking hanging it on his door knob with a note "Try this" might give him a hint ;).
Disclaimer: I play guitar gorgeously. It's my singing that scares the neighbors and causes dogs to howl :).
- Badtux the Musical Penguin
Guitar amps sound like crap through two or three walls.
Maybe the turd need to hear what he _really_ sounds like.
I live in the hills at the end of an old road down from the 'highway' by a couple hundred yards. I love the relative quiet and the views of the river canyon below.
Not more than a half dozen houses in sight.
One has a "guitarist".
When he/she play I go inside and turn up my own music or TV.
Or I go down the 'road' a ways and target shoot something out of the gun cabinet.
Either way I would rather appreciate the quiet and not their "music".
My ONLY solice is that they don't practice often. Bad for them/good for me!
I Feel Your PAIN .
They also sell low-wattage amps that sound awesome at the same volume as your TV. I can sound pretty good one room away from my wife watching TV and we're both happy. No jackhole should bother other people.
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