A tally of the number of people tested for the novel coronavirus disappeared from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website on Monday.Hiding data in the midst of a potential crisis only creates the presumption that there is something bad being hidden. When the administration doing the hiding is one that has a long track record of lying about everything from the first day in office, doing anything to suggest that they are fibbing on this issue is a very bad thing.
Oil Bet It’ll Take Him A While To Re-Cover
24 minutes ago
Well, I'm sure it's just a treasonous attack on our national security for personal gain. Nothing for Republican Senators to get worried about.
Now genius man is asking the pharmaceutical companies to try and develop the vaccine faster to save his Orange Ass in time for the elections.
Listen, and understand. That coronavirus is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, until it runs out of hosts.
Sounds like Fergus got sick of hearing people say that the CDC website had the truth to contradict his lies.
-Doug in Oakland
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