Yes, indeedy, that is the doublespeak method for job creation according to the party of Hoover: Throw even more people out of work.
Even the Font of Financial Evil in the World* estimates that the Republican plan would halve economic growth and raise the unemployment rate to 10%.
Just what this country needs, right? Even more people out of work so they can also go into foreclosure and lose their homes. They can go live in tents and live on Boehnervilles.
(I know, I should also be outraged at the Texas plan to give scholarships to that poor discriminated minority group- white males. But truly, it's what I would expect of them anyway.)
* Goldman Sachs
Small Talk, Big Trouble
20 minutes ago
Yeah, but if unemployment stays at 10% the whole time they can beat Obama. Or so they believe.
-Doug in Oakland
They'll just blame it all on the Democrats. Of course, given that the Democrats have done fuck-all to reign in Wall Street and pump up Main Street and appear to subscribe to the underpants gnomes theory of job creation ("make good speech, ... , jobs!"), well. It's hard to fight something (Republican lies) with nothing (what Democrats seem to stand for). Just sayin'.
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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