My iPhone now keeps asking whether I want to shut it off, when I'm using it for stuff.
And when I do shut it off, the fucking thing keeps restarting.
I've tried doing a hard reboot. I've tried doing that with the SIM card out. If it had been designed by normal people, I'd take the battery out. but it wasn't designed by normal people, it was designed by some rightfully-dead egomaniac.
Craptastic POS.
The Formula For Angry Workers
2 hours ago
If you hate the iPhone so much, why do you have one? There are a multitude of other choices, you know.
Sounds like a power button issue. I've heard of it with iPods, which seem to get a little dirtier or more used. Especially if it's an older phone, that might be it.
Jerry, and other phones don't malfunction? Ever?
CP88, do you know the cure for that?
There are a lot of posts about the issue, most suggesting cleaning it or replacing it. Honestly, it seems like the best bet is one of those phone repair places, I'd not feel great about trying to open up my iPhone. The concensus is a little dirt gets between the button and the switch, keeping the switch engaged (or the switch starts failing. Sone recommend replacing the switch/button, again, above my pay grade. I just knew it happened to a gent I work with, and they were able to fix it by blowing the "dirt" outta there.
Good luck, it's no fun.
Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize that you were just bitching.
I'm a blogger. Bitching is our stock in trade. :)
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