The Red Army's 322nd Rifle Division reached Auschwitz.
DCap has a lot more to say about it. Personally, I don't feel a need to mark the day. As a Jew, it's part of me.
But he is right about reminding people of the dark side of human history. There is a tendency of humans to forget the nastier elements of our history. The Japanese are adept at trying to whitewash their history in China. I have blogged over and over about the modern Confederates trying to run away from the fact that the Civil War was about slavery.
That’s One Way To Make A Name For Yourself
1 hour ago
To teach history, understand it, is to prevents it's repeated occurrence.
There are those that do not know the history and why it's important.
The only good thing I can say about Germany's treatment of how it behaved under Hitler is that they don't deny the evil that Germany did. Oh, they'll all claim their own parents or grandparents weren't involved with that evil, but unlike the Japanese they don't try to claim that the evil doesn't exist. Indeed, Holocaust denial is a crime in Germany...
-- Badtux the History Penguin
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