An explosive device found inside a backpack along a downtown Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade route was a credible threat capable of causing multiple deaths, the FBI said Tuesday.Indeed, you have to go six paragraphs into the story before the word "terrorism" is mentioned. It certainly isn't in the headline.
On the other hand, you can't even find the story on the WaPo's web site this afternoon. So at least the Times had something about it. It was on
Right-wing terrorists are the only ones who've attacked Americans in the past three decades, whether Muslim extremists, Christian extremists, or Nazi/KKK extremists. To say that terrorism is a right-wing phenomenon in America today is like saying water is wet, or the Nile is a river in Egypt. As vs. deNile, which is all you'll hear from the apologists for these terrorists....
- Badtux the Not-right-wing Penguin
Apparently it's only terrorism when a muslim or someone that looks a bit too brown does it.
One of the reasons I thougt it unwise to march in the Seattle MLK parade was a nagging voice in the back of my mind saying not this year...the gun nuts, and the bomb them for Jesus folk are in high dudgeon
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