Orange Felon Can't Tell Me What to Do

Words of Advice:


"If Something Seems To Be Too Good To Be True, It's Best To Shoot It, Just In Case." -- Fiona Glenanne

“The Mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -- Trump

"Foreign Relations Boil Down to Two Things: Talking With People or Killing Them." -- Unknown

“Speed is a poor substitute for accuracy.” -- Real, no-shit, fortune from a fortune cookie

"Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time." -- The Ghoul

"If you believe that you are talking to G-d, you can justify anything.” — my Dad

"Never Get Into Anything With a 'Jesus Nut'." -- every fixed-wing pilot

"Colt .45s; putting bad guys in the ground since 1873." -- Unknown

"The Dildo of Karma rarely comes lubed." -- Unknown

"Eck!" -- George the Cat

Karma may sometimes be late to arrive.
But it never loses an address.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Palin, Seriously, Go Fuck Yourself

She is accusing critics of "manufacturing a blood libel" over the Tucson shootings.

Does she even know that that means? I very much doubt it.

A "blood libel" is when someone accuses members of a minority group, whether ethnic or religious, of using the blood of children in ceremonies or rituals. The classic blood libel has been spread by antisemites for centuries, who have spread the rumor that Jews use the blood of Christians for making matzoh for Passover. There is no telling how many Jews have been raped, driven into exile, or killed over this lie, but it would be well into the thousands, if not millions. For Palin to cloak herself in the outrageous claim to be a victim of a blood libel is offensive, to say the least, to every member of any group that has been smeared with a real blood libel.{1}

Of course, Palin is not content with merely alleging that, she also is seeking to rewrite a little bit of recent history:
"Recall how the events of 9-11 challenged our values and we had to fight the tendency to trade our freedoms for perceived security. And so it is today."
Really. Can you name five prominent Republicans who spoke out against the trashing of the Constitution by the Bush Administration? Can you name Republicans who spoke out against the widespread abuse of the "material witness" statute as a tool to detain people without cause or judicial review? Can you name Republicans who spoke out when the Bush Administration first proposed instituting a Star Chamber system of trials at Guantanamo? Can you name any prominent Republicans who objected to the NSA's interception of all telecommunications in this country? Can you name any prominent Republicans who fought the use of "national security letters" as a form of judge-free secret subpoenas? Can you name any Republican politicians who were outraged when the Bush Administration claimed the right to arrest anyone in the world and hold them incommunicado forever if a flunky from the Department of Justice muttered the magic words "supporter of terrorism"? Can you name any senior Republican politician who spoke out against the use of torture?

Can you? C'mon, give me the names of five active Republicans who spoke out on any of those issues. Or better yet, provide the clips of any of the on-air conservative personalities on Fox News who spoke out against the Bush Administration on any one of those issues.{2}

I think you can't. The Republicans have been more than willing to throw away eight of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights, at least when a Republican is in the White House.{3} They have proven that by their conduct. Palin doesn't get to rewrite history on this one.

Worse than that: Palin is not the victim here, even though she seems more than eager to climb up on her personal cross.

The real victims are either lying in caskets or are in hospital beds in Tuscon.
{1} I write this as one who is both old enough to remember when it was an Eastertime ritual for Catholic kids to beat up Jewish kids "because you killed our Lord." I write this as one whose ancestors fled their old countries to escape the recurring pogroms.
{2} Except for their token liberal(s), of course. That would be the exception that proves the rule.
{3} The Second Amendment is obvious. The other one is probably the Third Amendment.


Vannevar said...

I know it's early in the year, but so far this is the Best Blog Post Title of 2011, you betcha!

Vannevar said...

But wait there's more:

Followup: Spork In The Drawer identifies Rep. Gabrielle Giffords as Jewish, making the misuse of the blood libel phrase even more onerous.

Eck! said...

Now we have the new legion planning to make political hay, the Westboro /church/cult of hate.

That cabal of hate-speak is the last thing that Arizona needs.


montag said...

Snowflake Snooki would need another four years of college to qualify as stupid. She doesn't just appeal to the lowest levels of society, she demands they move lower with her.

BadTux said...

And to top it off, Caribou Barbie defends herself on Twitter by saying "some of my closest friends are Israelites!". WTF? American Jews apparently don't exist for Caribou Barbie?! Not to mention that this simply *reeks* of the southern bigot's "But some of my closest friends are n***ers!" when accused of being racist for saying that blacks should be slaves because "n***ers are intellectually incapable of taking care of themselves and need white people to be their masters." Yeesh!

- Badtux the Amazed (but should I be?) Penguin

Gordon said...

Excellent post, Comrade.

Snowflake Snooki

I like that!


Israelites?! Really? In 21st century America? How Old Testament of her! Even Israelis aren't called Israelites. Well, obviously by some.

Phil said...

"I think you can't."

Forget five. I'm challenged to name even one.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I am angrily embarrassed at how fast the mainline(d) media is busy saying the rhetoric of the rabid right is not at all to blame for the massacre. Right, and the Nazis had nothing to do with Krystalnacht, was just spontaneous mass criminal loners, thats all.

tom said...

So, Palin again proves she is anti semetic and a murderer, is it provacative of me to state that?
Seems to me she is very culpable in this killing spree, if words have meaning and if bad movies-computer games spawn evil, then SURELY hate speech does the same...
She told her followers to RELOAD, she tweeted how successful her "surveyors marks" were bullseye
Christ I can't type about these bastards any more

Anonymous said...

Likewise, Tom...I am so weary of stating the obvious while the right wing claims to be slandered by the truth of their own actions.