I blogged several days ago about how the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency of the DBP ("ICE", also an approximation of what flows through their veins) has been running a network of black prisons in the US.
Now for a follow-up: The good-natured jailers of ICE have been ignoring the medical needs of their prisoners, letting them die and then covering up their deaths. At least one prisoner was denied care and allowed to die, since it would be too costly to have have cared for him.
And, shocker of shockers, the Obama Administration has hired one of the Bush Administration people involved in denying health care to ICE prisoners. Her job is to "lead its overhaul of detainee health care."
Yeah, that'll work as well as it would to free Bernie Madoff and then put him in charge of the SEC.
How Cats Perceive Taste
5 hours ago
And probably 90% of Americans don't care, because the folks in those prisons are largely "those" people. You know, dusky furriner types who aren't American and thus aren't "really" human beings.
I wouldn't say that Americans are the most racist, bigoted people on the planet. That's probably the French ;). But Americans are the most *vicious* racist, bigoted people on the planet, albeit with a rather flexible definition of race ("American" is a race? Well, sort of, for Americans). Sort of like the million Iraqis that were killed because of our little war of choice there. You never see their faces in our newspapers because they're not Americans, thus they're not "really" humans, thus no need to cover their deaths, any more than it's necessary to put the photos of Fido and Fluffy at the local animal shelter onto the obituary page when they're gassed for lack of homes for strays.
The Confederacy won the American Civil War. It just took them a while to do so. Siiiiiigh!
- Badtux the Confederate Penguin
I think the Japanese give the French a run for their money. Hell, most of Europe accepts a level of overt racism that makes even most Americans shudder.
On the other hand, the Chinese supposedly had a story about an ancient princess who was raped by a monkey and, in her shame, fled to a deserted offshore island and gave birth to the Japanese race.
Yep, Americans definitely aren't the most racist people on the planet, and have a very flexible attitude towards race to begin with (thus Bobby Jindal becoming an "honorary redneck" and winning the Governor's seat in Louisiana). They're just the most vicious about how they treat people who aren't part of this flexible definition of "American as a race", whether it comes to exterminating most of the Amerind peoples they encountered (unlike what the Spanish did -- most people in Latin America are more Amerindian than Spanish) or blithely ignoring the death and suffering of millions of Iraqis.
The only good thing you can say is that Americans don't blithely set out to commit genocide, even with the Amerinds their final solution was to shove the Amerinds into crappy reservations then forget about them (a slow genocide, not a quick one like Hitler's "Final Solution"). But that doesn't make the typical American's behavior towards non-Americans any less vicious.
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