I watched the show last night. Outside of feeling bad for Adam Tudyk, who cannot seem to get a SF character who does not get whacked, if the show is not glommed onto by the Wingnuts/Teabaggers as an allegory about the Obama Administration, then I'll be very much surprised.
I detect a high potential for suckiness in the show, but we'll see.
Update: Yeah, the original seems pretty cheesy, at least based on the first six minutes. Here is part 1 of the miniseries. I love the Giant Flying Hubcap.
Orange Rotation
7 hours ago
I'm still trying to figure out why they're fucking with a series that was decent, cheesy scifi in the '80's. Let the past go and come up with something NEW, for God's sake.
TV is all about recycling. Anyway, I never saw the original show. I probably ought to go watch the miniseries on SyFy.
Don't the Wingnuts get a lot of their policy from fiction? I mean, they think 24 is rational, reasonable approach to dealing with criminals.
The original was on par with the first version of Lost In Space, Battlestar Galactica and a few others produced barely.
It was C grade SciFi and not all well done. The new version bring little new save for the effects are far better.
V is not a series I'll be following; maybe ABC can be persuaded to bring back Defying Gravity, which was a pretty good show. In the meantime, Eastwick remains the best new series on network TV.
Curse Wash's sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Re: Remaking. IP Cowardice, to be honest. The so-and-sos commissioning things can't understand what they're ordering - after all, they don't watch TV - so they order stuff off the back of successful IP rather than having to do research. After all, if they watched it once, they'll watch it twice, right?
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