That young buck was standing so still that it looked almost like one of those decoys or practice arrow targets. Ten seconds after I took the shot, he turned and casually walked away.
When I was a child, deer just were not seen so close to residences. But now there are so many deer that they are as ubiquitous as pigeons.
It was a beautiful weekend. The airplane failed the magneto check, so much for flying this day.
Better to fail the magneto check while you're still on the ground. Live to fly another day.
They are trying to organize a deer purge at Valley Forge park, and the local PETA wonks are trying to pay people to dress up as deer and wander around the park to confuse the sharpshooters.
Charles Darwin is grinning in his grave as we speak.
My wife took a great picture of a buck from the kitchen. It was within 30 feet of the house. Three separate times this summer three separate deer have walked that close. All three were alone, and it was mid-day on a sunny day each time. That seems odd.
Never failed a magneto check, but once it was a little close. I always rented, so I never had to worry about the cost of such things.
Phil, magnetos failing is why aircraft engines have two magnetos and two sets of spark plugs. You can still fly if one of your magnetos fail, albeit you might need to fiddle with your mixture and advance a bit because you won't be getting as much combustion with just one spark plug per cylinder sparking. But needless to say you aren't taking off if one of your magnetos is on the blink, because flying with just one magneto would be, err, what's the word... ah yes, STUPID!
Yes, I'm fascinated by engine technology, whether aircraft or otherwise. Aircraft engines are... interesting. At first glance you might even say "primitive", but when you consider the requirements (the most important one being, "Don't fall out of the sky!") the various design decisions make as much sense as the design decisions of the 4.0L I-6 AMC engine in my Jeep.
- Badtux the Mechanic Penguin
I have bucks taking naps in my front yard, and does leading strings of their progeny into my flower beds to feast. They just look at me when I yell at them, and only move when they actually see me walking toward them. No talk of a deer purge around here, I guess we will just have to waiit until they overpopulate and their starving inbred diseased corpses wobble and collapse on the sidewalks, all by themselves....
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