Another work week.
I'll have some thoughts about the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall later on.
No real comments about the health bill passed by the House, it still has to get past those fucks in the Senate. I will say this: Anyone who doesn't understand that GOP opposition is largely driven by a political vendetta, a need to try and kneecap the President, has rocks for brains.
And Joe Lieberman is just a wrinkled up whore for the health insurance industry. He says he cannot support a public option "as a matter of conscience", which is about the most laughable things I've heard in a long time. He has no conscience. If it's not about protecting his meal ticket (the health insurance industry), it's about him getting his ugly ol' puss on national TV, which is why he has raised his maggoty head. The Democrats were fools to let him stay in their caucus; Lieberman is nothing more than an opportunist who will stab you in the back whenever he seems an advantage to doing so. I'm surprised that he isn't an honorary Frenchman.
The only really good thing about Chimpy stealing the `00 election turned out to be that Lieberman wouldn't be vice president.
1 hour ago
Lieberman was on my last nerve already, but then, this week, when he wrapped himself in the flag to declare Maj. Hasan of Ft. Hood a probable terrorist (as opposed to just a nutty gun-wielding, oath-breaking coward, say), I had even more impulse to wish he would die in a fire.
I more or less agree on Lieberman, but if he HAD become VP, it might have been in his best interests to toe the "liberal" line. Which we all know is really just another form of corporatism with a gentler smile, but still, better than Cheney.
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