The Bush Administration pissed away hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraqi reconstruction money because Donald Rumsfeld refused to plan for the occupation of Iraq.
The Bush Administration flew in hundreds of tons of cash into Iraq.
When all this was going on, the Republicans in the Congress said nothing. Zip, nada, nichevo.
With very little discussion, the Bush Administration poured roughly 150 billion dollars into AIG.
But $14 billion to prevent the domestic auto industry from going under? The GOP is against it, why, heaven forbid, for that benefits workers, and even worse, workers who belong to a union and vote for Democrats.
Let's be clear about it, for that is what it is: The Republicans are trying to break the unions. They are going to try and get in between a private corporation and the unions representing their workers and bust things up.
It is nothing more than Terry Schiavo writ large.
Let's be clear about something else: GM is probably going to fail, eventually. Keeping GM alive is not the point at this time. The point at this time is to keep employed a million or so workers who, if GM and then Chrysler fail, will be out on the street in the midst of the most severe recession since World War II. If GM can't survive, then at least let's have it fall apart in an orderly fashion when the economy is rebounding, so that there is some hope of the workers finding jobs, so that there is some rising demand for auto parts from the other auto makers, domestic and foreign, in order that the suppliers not go bust, too.
But in order to break the unions, the Party of Hoover is fully ready to throw this country into another depression, if need be. In order to recover their imaginary moral rectitude, the Party of Hoover will trash this nation's economy rather than help out anyone.
The national Republican party could give lessons in nastiness to Ebenezer Scrooge, Al Dunlap, Frank Lorenzo and Carl Icahn. Republicans are like the yahoos in pickup trucks who swerve to the side of the road to run over baby ducks.
They really are the Party of Hoover, and will be so known, forever and ever.
So say we all.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
1 comment:
So said!
These senate whores are going to try to pull the same shit with the new congress as well. Someone better damn well learn how to fight back real quick or else we'll end up with a bunch of fucked up legislation compromised by a few fanatics that have a vote.
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