That's what the Bush Administration is all about: Screwing over the people who punch a timeclock.
Note that while they are requiring the auto workers to make concessions, the bankers who took taxpayer money are giving themselves huge bonuses and continuing to enjoy all the perks of living the high life.
I am sorry if I seem like a broken record on this issue, but it enrages me no end. A bunch of clowns in the party of Hoover, most of whom have maybe, just maybe, only ever gotten their hands dirty doing work around their own yard, are hammering people who do hard, physical work for a living. You can bet your ass that those Hooverites don't need to take a shower after their jobs, they've only gotten sweaty after their jogging or a workout at the gym.
They'll take care of people like them, oh, no, no restrictions on other guys in $2,000 suits or who can afford memberships are pricey country clubs. But they have no compunction in bringing down the Hammer of Outrage upon the heads of workers.
The party of Hoover is beyond contempt. I cannot think of a creature loathsome enough that would not be offended by being compared to Republicans.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
29 minutes ago
I could just spit.
Hey, I am with you on this..I am still seething over it.
The guys that wear white collars get over whilst the folks that wear blue collars get hosed. Fuckers..
GM line workers already make $2/hour less than Toyota line workers. Yet the Rethugs are gonna cut the GM line worker's salaries in exchange for a bailout? When GM's CEO makes more money than TOYOTA'S ENTIRE EXECUTIVE STAFF COMBINED?!!!!
- Badtux the Angry Penguin
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