You would think, by now, that the Transportation Security Agency would have figured out a way to tell the bad guys from the good guys. After all, the TSA has been on the job for nearly seven years; plenty of time to determine what the bugs are in their "no-fly list" and to try to fix them.
You would of course, be so wrong in thinking that.
The TSA is a creation of the Bush Administration and, of course, they are going to be as fucked up and as incompetent as possible.
And they are. TSA's major functions seems to be detaining the innocent and stealing shit from passengers. Their latest foray is delving into crackpot theories to try and spot terrorists with 2,000 "behavior detection officers." That's to be expected, as any Federal agency thatbegins a press release by bragging about operating "under the leadership" of Chimpy the Torturer is guaranteed to be a massive collection of mouth-breathing fuckups.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
21 minutes ago
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