There obviously is a large swath within the Party of Hoover that has a racist streak a mile wide.
Otherwise, why would one of the candidates for chairman of the Party of Hoover think it was funny to distribute a CD with a racist song? Note that this turdlet of a human being was Huckabee's campaign manager and that he got the song from a certain drug-addicted Nazi gasbag with a radio show.
The Party of Hoover is tromping down the road to being a party of wannabee segregationists in the Old South. If they continue down that dark path, they very well may become the Whigs of the 21st. Century.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Vikings took over part of France and became Frenchmen; Frenchmen took over England and became Englishmen; and the GOP took over the South's what's new?
Now that I think about it, I would bet anyone a dollar that the Dinosaurs were completely oblivious to the fact they were going extinct too.
Those dinosaurs ruled the planet for thirty-five million years...I'd hold off a bit on the happydance for Homo Sap.
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