I am seeing rumblings that perennial presidential candidate and wholly-consumed egomaniac Ralph Nader is considering another run for the presidency in 2008.
His candidacy needs to be strangled in its crib.
Regardless of who gets the nomination for the major parties, we are going to have the "Tax Cuts for the Rich, Global Warming is Good and War Forever and Ever" candidate from the GOP and the exact opposite from the Democrats.
But then comes Mr. Ralph "Vote for Me, Me, Me" Nader, the 21st Century poster boy for the National Egomaniacs' Society. Nader can do nothing, not a fucking thing, other than suck votes away from the Democratic candidate.
Which is why, if that unrepentant overpressurized asshole runs again, he will receive lots of funding from conservatives. Just like he has in the past.
Ralph Nader is nothing more than a tool of the rich, of the industrialists, of the very people one would think that he despises. His campaigns have worked to benefit the rich, etc., more than anyone else. He can protest otherwise, but that is the reality on the ground.
Ralph Nader, in the very close election of 2000, got about 3% of the vote. Only a crack-addled moron (which is to say, a Naderite) would argue that more than six of the people who voted for Nader in `00 would have voted for George W. Bush.
Ralph Nader is, in many ways, a soul mate of George W. Bush, in that they are both people who don't give a fuck about this country, but only about their own egos.
More than any other election since 1968, this election is about which track the country is going to take in the future. Ralph Nader, if only to stoke his own ego, would happily throw the country down the track of hurting the very people he professes to care about, if only to get his name in the newspapers and his overblown self of self-importance on the airwaves.
So I really think that Nader is going to run, because he doesn't give a fuck about you. Or anyone else. If he sucks any support from the Democratic candidate and the bugfucking insane person that the Republicans nominate actually wins by less of a margin than the number of votes that went to Nader, he will be happy.
Ralph Nader is an unrepentant egomaniac.
Anyone who votes for Ralph Nader in `08 is a certifiable moron.
So say we all.
B-I-N-G-O, I Think I Need A Raise, Oh!
1 hour ago
I happen to believe that Nader was one of the prime causes of the Bush win in 2000. There were other unrelated causes like Gore's campaign and the fact that Bill Clinton's bj resulted in a large number of people being terribly angry at Democrats but without Nader, Gore wins, in my view.
Nader doesn't acknowledge that and argues it was not the case. He further points to Gore, who publicly agrees (another argument that Gore should have been elected)
In any case, Nader was on Democracy Now yesterday and it is probably worth a look. Google "Democracy Now." and have a look.
"Anyone who votes for Ralph Nader in `08 is a certifiable moron."
Sounds like you need to start educating the Democrat voters, then, since none of the Republicans I've met would even think of voting for him.
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