I have NASA TV up in another window as I type this, so I can watch Shuttle Atlantis land.
I picked up another load of canned cat food on my way home yesterday. My practice has been to buy a can or two of a different kind with the usual brand, to see if they like it. When I got home, I gave them that can.
They ate it.
Then George decided to show me that he was not amused. He dropped a turd in the living room. Then he dropped a turd in the bedroom. I found one on the dining room. The kicker was, when I went to take a shower, there was one in the bathtub.
I guess I'm not going to be buying any more of that brand!
Small Talk, Big Trouble
13 minutes ago
Never could understand a cat being picky about its canned food. This is an animal that eats a dead mouse whole, and then licks its butt afterwards, and doesn't seem to mind at all. WTF?
Such is the mystery of cats.
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