Not enough money to buy decent body armor for the troops. Hardly enough money for MRAPs or armored Humvees. Not enough money for decent educational or job-placement benefits for the troops. Certainly not enough money to make sure the wounded vets have decent health care. Not enough money for a decent pay raise for the soldiers. Not enough to help the reservists and guardsmen who have seen their civilian careers crater due to repeated deployments. Not even enough to consider buying better rifles. Not enough money to have funded a meaningful reconstruction effort in Afghanistan.
But oh, there is certainly enough money for high-tech highly expensive whiz-bangs that are not worth a fuck in a counter-insurgency war. $21 billion for Star Wars shit. 20 F-22 fighters, which are less than useless in the wars. $700 million plus for more tanks, but not a dime for MRAPs. The Air Force has to have C-130s coming out its ears.
The insanity marches on.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
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