The House is holding hearings today, grilling Roger Clemens on his alleged use of steroids.
I have no sympathy for Clemens, understand that. But I find it to be thoroughly despicable and beneath contempt that the Congress is so worked up over the use of steroids in baseball, but they cannot find the time or gumption to look into the exhaustive list of crimes perpetrated by the Bush Administration.
Illegal searches, illegal wiretaps, detention without trial and the use of torture: Gooood.
Use of steroids and human growth hormone by a ballplayer: Baaaaaaaad. Igor must punish ballplayer.
Give me a fucking break. Who gives a shit whether Roger Clemens injected steroids, HGH or donkey piss into his ass? Who, for that matter, gives a shit if Bill Belechik stole the signals of another football team? Obviously Congress cares about that. Too bad they don't care about Chimpy's use of the Constitution as a snot rag.
How do you clowns up there manage to look into a mirror without throwing up?
Small Talk, Big Trouble
26 minutes ago
1 comment:
Tell those ignorant fucks that terrorists use steroids, that should have them wetting their pants.
I would personally be so embarrassed if I had to be party to what these clowns do everyday I would resign so fast their heads would spin.
They have no shame , no scruples and no honor.
And they look down their nose at US!!
Bizzaro World.
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