An Alabama television station, WHNT, blames "technical difficulties" for its "inability" to air the Siegelman piece when it aired on 60 Minutes.
Yeah. They "just happened" to lose the signal at the beginning of the piece and they "just happened" to get it back at the end of the piece. Susie Madrak's blog noted that WHNT was hostile to Siegelman to begin with, so the "technical difficulties" argument just doesn't fly.
They block signals that are beaming inconvenient stories in places such as Burma and Pakistan and other jerkwater dictatorships. That's not supposed to happen in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."[1]
UPDATE: WHNT is so heavy into damage control mode right now that one of their employees visited the Suburban Guerrilla to argue that it was really truly technical difficulties that only wiped out just the one piece on 60 Minutes that contradicted the GOP party line.
(Good luck with that argument.)
[1] "Land of the free" not applicable in Alabama. "Home of the brave" not applicable in any state that votes Republican. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for details.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
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