No, I'm not talking about the 13% margin of victory for Obama (with 52% of the vote counted).
What I am talking about is the vote totals. Wisconsin allows crossover voting. Keep that in mind when I say this:
Look at the vote totals with just over half the votes counted:
First, the Democrats:
Obama: 283,389
Clinton: 214,855
Now, the Republicans:
McCain: 107,648
Huckabee: 74,938
Which means that even though Clinton was thrashed by Obama, she still got more votes than McCain and Huckabee combined.
If the election were held tonight in Wisconsin between Obama and McCain, McCain would be beaten as badly as a bass drum in a grammar-school band.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
21 minutes ago
Which will make John McCain's mysterious election-night 51-percent squeaker "mandate" all the more miraculous. So shall cry the Fox News pundits.
And then I will be out with the rest of America, (hopefully) setting fire to flipped-over cars on Pennsylvania Avenue.
I skimmed through the vote totals for most of the states so far; the turnout of Democrats over Republicans is damn near universal. Even when the Rethugs turned out in greater numbers, the difference was nowhere near as substantial.
I suspect that if Obama is the nominee, McCain is going to do a Bob Dole/ Walter Mondale.
But if the vote is 50.1% for McCain and if the goons on the Supreme Court give it once more to the GOP, things could get *very* ugly around here.
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