The clients would be "BANK JULIUS BAER & CO. LTD, a Swiss entity; and JULIUS BAER BANK AND TRUST CO. LTD, a Cayman Island entity". They have attempted to shut down a site called with an ex-parte injunction.
I don't know who their attorneys are, but here's the thing, guys: If you don't want people to be paying attention to whatever nefarious things your clients are alleged to have done, the last thing you should be doing is trying to make third parties shut up about it. Yelling loudly "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" is a sure-fire way of getting people to pay a lot of attention.
So now, word of this is going to spread all around the Internet and more and more people are going to become really curious as to what scummy transactions your clients may have been involved in. Word of this injunction will eventually reach the reporters for the dead-tree press and the cable news networks. They'll start asking questions, too.
I have no idea who or what "Julius Baer Bank" is, for I had never heard of them before today. But you can bet your pinstriped $750/hr asses that I, and a lot of other people, are going to be listening, now.
Smooth move, guys.
(H/T to the Alternate Brain, which has more links)
Small Talk, Big Trouble
25 minutes ago
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