I have donated money in the past to the national Democratic Party and the DNCC. I am not a big donor, by any means.
Understanding that, I make this promise to the Democratic Party:
If the FISA bill passes with retroactive immunity for the telecomunications companies, you will see no money from me again. Ever. Hell will freeze over before I give you fuckers a penny. I will stuff newspaper or whatever I can into the franked return address envelopes you send me, if I don't feel like writing back and telling you why you can pound it up your collective rectums.
If you pass the bill granting immunity to the telecommunications companies, you will have endorsed fascism. For you will have made it legal for the President, any president, to tell a company "don't worry about the law, I'm telling you it is OK to violate it."
Not one thin dime to you fuckers if you do that. Not now. Not next week. Not this year, the next year, the next decade, for as long as I draw breath. You can write me all you want and whine about how you really are protecting our liberties and you care about our rights and the Constitution and all of that blather. But when the hammer is cocked and resting on the sear, you don't do a fucking thing.
You read me, Dr. Dean? If you pass the FISA Bill, I will not give a cent to the DNCC or the national senate committee or the national fund of any kind. You worthless sacks of fucked-out protoplasm can go collect tin cans at the side of the roads to meet your bills. Don't bother to tell me how much worse the Rethugs are, because I am not seeing it. They indeed may be evil, but you guys just wilt in the face of evil.
So straighten up and listen up: If you pass the FISA bill with telcomm immunity, this is what you can expect to receive from me:
Not One Fucking Penny!
UPDATE: Senate signs on to telcomm immunity.
Go fuck yourselves, Senate Democrats. You guys and gals are traitors to the Constitution, you worthless sacks of meat.
UPDATE II: This is the voting list. A "Nay" vote is a vote to grant immunity to the telecom companies. A "Nay" vote is also a vote against the rule of law and for fascism.
If your Senator voted "Nay", he or she is either a loyal Republican, a coward or is corrupt. Republicans put loyalty to their party above all else (including the rule of law and the Constitution), so the sad fact that the Republicans all lined up behind Chimpy McStagger is not unexpected.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
11 minutes ago
of course not one repug crossed over. my dem whored himself out as usual.
I expected that from the Republicans. They, like the Communists, are all about "loyalty to the party."
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