So, apparently after the CIA got done torturing people, they sent in new interrogators to talk to the prisoners. Those interrogators gave them food, coffee, and tried to make nice to get them to repeat their stories. The idea is that the information then received would be "untainted by torture."
Sorry, folks, it doesn't work that way. That's just a little more sophisticated than a game of "good cop, bad cop." It's going to be pretty easy to argue that any information received from the prisoners was obtained either by torture directly or because the interrogators had an idea what questions to ask because of the torture or because the prisoners knew that they were in the custody of the same government which tortured them.
You cannot "untorture" someone any more than you can "unshoot" them. No matter how nice you are to someone, now, they know that you tortured them before and there is no honest way to wipe that clean. You cannot send in "clean interrogators" and hope to restore honor to a process that never had any.
The only way to restore any shred of honor is to prosecute the torturers and those who ordered the torture, and that means going clear up through Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney and George Bush. They are all war criminals and need to be tried as such.
So what we have now is a pack of war criminals trying other people for war crimes. That is about as honorable as putting a pedophile in charge of the sex crimes unit.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
12 minutes ago
1 comment:
'That is about as honorable as putting a pedophile in charge of the sex crimes unit.'
They already did that.
Just one more mind bending aspect of this administration, the unthinkable has been tried.
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