Not only are they going to have their terrorist show trials, but they are going to seek the death penalty. The prosecutors seem to think their work is a "historic challenge." Indeed it is, but no for the reasons they seem to believe. Their challenge will be to hold trials that will meet even a minimal standard for fairness, and from everything I've read to date, good luck with that, bucko. Their challenge may wind up explaining why they should not be tarred by history for participating in proceedings that are rigged.
The whole of the "process" at Guantanamo Bay has been a stain on this country's diminishing reputation and the stain continues to grow. From the egregious lack of independence of the judges to the use of secret evidence and the use of evidence obtained by torture, there is little at GITMO that has any relationship to an honest and fair system. The process at GITMO has more in common with the Star Chamber and the Soviet show trials of the 1930s.
As I said before, let's be honest with ourselves about what is happening and just shoot those accused.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
17 minutes ago
It could be me and I want to get tortured first.
It could be any of us. Chimpy's minions could grab any one of us off the street.
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution aren't worth shit right now, the protestations of retired Reichfuhrer Ashcroft notwithstanding.
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