I have to wonder if some of them are finally starting to understand the issue with concealed carry. This article, in Newsweek's web edition, discusses the issue of maybe the answer for school shootings is to have people carrying concealed on campus. While there is an obligatory mention of the "rubber knife" brigade of the Brady Campaign, the bulk of the article is an interview with Scott Lewis, the spokesman for Students for Concealed Carry.
Even better, the reporter seems to have done her homework and knew about the circumstances of the infamous Luby's Cafeteria shooting in 1991.
There are three points I want to make about the most recent shooting in Illinois (and no, I'm not going to name the perp). First, the Unspeakable One stood in the front of the lecture hall and reloaded his shotgun. Second, of the five people he killed, four were women.
And third, more people were killed this morning in a crash in Maryland that involved a tractor-trailer and a few other vehicles. But those deaths will merit only a brief mention because that level of carnage on the roads is not unusual.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
19 minutes ago
OK, we all need to have the right to carry. I'm sold.
Peace to you and yours Misfit. I saw your name over at Main & Central and just had to visit. On my hard hat that I wore years ago, I wrote, "Earth Bound Misfit I" on one side. And "No Sharp Objects on the other".
Anyways as to your post - I don't see much of anything that can be done from stopping some Mentally ill Person from going on a rampage. A friendly shooter who is there might cut down on the number of victims, but I think the scenario will be by happenstance.
Not knowing the full story of the sick individual and refusing to speculate, I think it is safe to say that Mental Health Care in this country is in the same sorry shape as the rest of Health Care. If not worse.
So go get a CCW permit, Gug. :)
Human, yes, it will be by happenstance, if a CCW permitee stops a mass-murderer. Such is the way of the game.
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