I had intended to blog tonight about this excellent commentary in Rolling Stone, which heavily lambastes the Democrats, especially Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, for eagerly surrendering to the neo-tyrant of a president we have now.
But fuck it. I've written about that enough for now. Anybody who is not outraged at the way the Democratic Party has ignored the reasons why they were elected is either a Republican, isn't paying attention, or has had their outrage burner fried out from overuse.
The Democrats are, in fact, even more insidiously evil than the Republicans. I personally would much rather have an enemy that I can face than a fair-weather friend who either caves at the first sign of difficulty or, even worse, shoots me in the back. (Which is how gays and lesbians largely felt about Bill Clinton, one of the more egregious backstabbers in the 1990s.)
I'd rather stand alone than be "helped" by the spaghetti-spined. The 110th Congress is populated by weak-kneed, rubber-spined, two-faced Democrats who will do nothing to back up the few Democrats, such as Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold, who actually do stand up for the cause of freedom and liberty.
Screw them.
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
1 comment:
"Anybody who is not outraged at the way the Democratic Party has ignored the reasons why they were elected is either a Republican, isn't paying attention, or has had their outrage burner fried out from overuse."
When it all comes down, they are just self-serving like all of today's politicians, no matter what party.
I don't belong to either party, but these days I would be happy to see a real Democrat or Republican for whom I could cast a vote.
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