When it gets to the point that the television stations are going dark in order to avoid broadcasting a story that makes the Republicans look bad, then you know things are not pretty. Like a Russian government TV station, they are blaming non-existent "technical difficulties" to explain why the 60 minutes segment, and only that segment, was not broadcast on a number of broadcast outlets in Alabama.
I'm not going to expand on this very much. You can read Don Siegelman's blog entries at the link in the previous paragraph. You can watch the 60 Minutes story.
It will be no shock to anyone with more than a functioning brain stem that Karl Rove's dirty fingerprints are all over this affair. The entire thing reeks of something that one might have expected to see happen in Putin's Russia or in Pakistan. There is a word to describe what happens when the government prosecutes someone for political reasons and corporations aid and abet that process.
The word is "fascism."
Make Up/Break Up
1 hour ago
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