The Bush Administration is trying to portray its upcoming show trials as being the equivalent of the Nuremberg trials.
Let's see how that works:
The 9/11 plotters took down two skyscrapers, damaged the Pentagon, destroyed four airliners and killed 3,000 people.
The Nazis started one of the most horrific wars in human history and between the carnage on the battlefields and the industrialized slaughter of the concentration and extermination camps, resulted in the deaths of somewhere inbetween 25 million and 50 million people.
Yep, the two situations are comparable, all right, if your brain is addled by crack!
That's about what I'd expect from a mental midget who thinks he is the reincarnation of Winston Churchill.
We have got to have elected the stupidest motherfucker ever to have lived in the White House, and that includes the various pets previous presidents have owned. Bonzo the Chimp was a rocket scientist compared to this putz.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
15 minutes ago
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