I guess the positive aspect from this is that Clinton, unlike the Chimperor, seems to be less inclined to reward bad results. No "you're doing a heckuvajob" from her.
This is the photo that MSNBC ran to illustrate the story, the former manager is standing behind Hillary:

It makes them both look as though they were doing a little bit of speed.
Clinton's campaign for many months was premised on the idea that she was unstoppable and had everything locked up, so you might as well fall in line and support her.
Titanic, meet iceberg.
I had lunch with an eight and 10 year old today. The elder one told me that if Clinton wins, she's going to "make guns illegal," and the younger one said, "if you want something, you should buy it now."
I am not a gun or political person, and have no comment on their particular view, but I wonder how kids learn to think and form opinions of that caliber.
We were talking about SpongeBob of all things when they brought it up...
I don't know, but one thing I do know, is that I agree with the blogger who said the only thing he/she wanted to know from kids was if their shoes were too tight.
Somebody must have mentioned that to the kids and they are parroting it. Good reason not to listen to kids.
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