Dave Barry's column on getting a colonoscopy.
If you are of the age where you should get one or if you have been advised to get one done, in the words of Larry the Cable Guy: Git `er done!
The bowel prep is annoying, granted. But that's the only annoying part. The procedure is done under anesthesia. And you won't even feel as though somebody has rammed a periscope up your ass.
Not getting one is like not paying attention to reality in the hopes of what you don't know won't come back to hurt you. That's living in a bubble and you can see how well that policy has worked for George Bush. Even Bush got a colonoscopy, and so can you.
Get `er done.
Small Talk, Big Trouble
26 minutes ago
Excellent advice, pal!
I had my first one done around age 41 because of mystery pain, which I still have, but as there wasn't anyone available to go with me I had to have it done without sedation. It hurt like hell, but the enormous blasting farts you emit during the process from all the air they blow up yer ass kind of made it endurable. Doc said she'd never had anyone laugh during one of em before.
now I'm due for another one and I may have to bribe someone to go with me because despite the fart hilarity I do NOT want to go through that again. spending the night before strapped to the toilet is bad enough (though maybe Barry's vodka-in-the-laxative tip might help).
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