Those who get this award (which looks suspiciously like the first letter in Enron)

are supposed to name ten more bloggers. So, trying hard to ignore that little similarity, here are my nominations. I have tried to avoid naming blogs which I know have been named by others in this meme, which is why you don't see BadTux on this list, for one.
Marko the Munchkin Wrangler. Marko is a conservative, but not of the Kool-Aid drinking persuasion. He is one of the best writers out there. Besides, he is the first one I know of to have nicknamed John McCain "Colonel Tigh" and what's not to love about that?
Captain's Log and Get the Flick are two sides of a coin. One is about flying airliners, the other is about the FAA and life as a air traffic controller
Calm Before the Sand is an infrequent blogger and one of the most eloquent writers about life on the ground in Iraq.
One Pissed Off Veteran hammers the neocons relentlessly over their failure to enlist any of thier offspring in the Chimper's Wars.
Ornery Bastard is just that.
Weapons, Warfare and Industrial Idiocy is a blogger who is a custom knife-maker. He writes frequently about World War I.
Main & Central is more of a posthumous award for Lurch, one of the class acts in delving deep into the Iraq War. His co-bloggers seem to be making the effort to carry on and I hope they continue. The signs are good.
Cranky Epistles. Good writing, often both poignant and snarkily funny. It is not a good idea to consume liquids while reading her blog.
TFS Magnum is mostly on the use of weapons for self-defense. I like the work she does.
This was hard to do, as 95% of my blogroll should have been listed. But ten is the number of the count and the number of blogs to be named is ten. Nine blogs can be named, but only while proceeding to ten. Eleven blogs shall not be named. Twelve is right out!
So carry on!
You call me a conservative?
My seconds will be calling on your seconds, sir. Pistols at dawn.
Thanks for the kind words, though. I'll try to pass it on, but I barely have ten folks on my blogroll. :)
EBM: I gave you an E for Excellent, too, so you--like PhysioProf--are Double Fucking Excellent!
Thank you so much!
Now I can't nominate you though.8(
You already got one!
Congrats, you most certainly deserve it.
Yer sitemeter probably rats me out for how many times a day I stop by.
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