There are a number of commentators that I pay no attention to, such as:
Robert Novak: You knowingly blew the cover of a CIA NOC, you're a traitor. You might as well take your paycheck from the GOP, you soulless fuck.
Any Op-Ed Writer Employed by the Administraton: Not just Bush, any one. If your job is the Secretary of XYZ and you are writing about an issue that concerns that topic, I can pretty much guess what you are going to say. McConnell and Mukasey are going to blather on as to why trashing the Constitution is a good idea. Chertoff is going to prattle on as to why not responding to disasters and searching through everyone's drawers at the airport makes us safer. Rice is going to yak about how not promoting diplomacy and backing authoritarian regimes makes us stronger. Gates can be counted on to proclaim That The Surge Is working.
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Have a nice cup of STFU.
When You Just Want To Sink Into The Sinking Floor
53 minutes ago
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