The cops in Washington, D.C., a place where one might expect them to have a passing familiarity with the Constitution, are now going to go door-to-door and conducting "voluntary" searches. The cops are doing the same thing in Boston (you know, "cradle of liberty" and all of that false advertising).
The cops obviously think that if half-a-dozen heavily armed storm troopers show up residents' front doors, most will let them search.
Take some good advice from Nancy Reagan:
Just say "no."
Close the door, politely, in their face. And then, if you have a lawyer, call him or her, in the event that the cops try to use that rejection as justification for a search warrant.
Make Up/Break Up
2 hours ago
Jesus Christ.
Where are the barricades?
Why aren't the streets full of enraged people protesting this shit?
Why isn't the police station on fire?
Oh. Right. NASCAR is on the tube.
And the IRS check is in the mail.
You might find this interesting.
BobG, very interesting. It has some points I have been mulling over for a future blog post.
I have the ten steps to fascism on this blog, from a few days earlier.
Of course, they will just take your, "No." as probable cause, and knock down your door. I mean, the Tactical Squad didn't get suited up for nothin' -- and they'll have the ram-it with them, just inc case.
If you're lucky, they'll just shoot your dog, and not you.
Oh, and you;'ll sopend the time they're searching in a really uncomfortable position, cuffed.
For some time now I've felt that the far left and the far right are both undesirable; both are totalitarian. The middle is the only place where there is a semblance of freedom. On the far left, you have places like the old USSR, on the right you have the Inquisition of long ago. Both sides want power at the extremes.
Just my opinion.
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