This is how it goes:
2315- Went to Bed
0400- Woke up to pee. Nothing unusual, there. Did it, went back to bed, petted two of the cats for five minutes to satisfy their "you're up, Mom, pet me" needs. Rolled over.
0500- Still haven't fallen asleep. Got up, fed the cats (they were overjoyed). Ate breakfast. Coffee
0530- Ran a load of towels through the washer/dryer. Watched the VCR tape of the Daily Show & Colbert Report.
0630- Read part of the NY Times on-line. 2nd cup of coffee.
0830- Commence work.
1030- Got calls from three co-workers that they cannot send e-mail. Get call from boss- same issue.
1100-1200- On phone for an hour with Comcast, either taking with tech support or on hold between tech support weenies. One guy tells me "you need to shift to Microsoft Exchange for your email." I say: "That's a work-around, not a fix. I want to know what just happened and why nobody can send e-mail with the programs that they have been using for a very long time." Get transferred again. I hang up; I'm hungry and I need to visit the bladder dumping station.
I am getting to the point that I hate Comcast. As far as I am concerned, "comcastic", which is how they bill themselves, is "craptastic." Writing things out by long-hand using a goose-quill pen and candlelight is almost preferable to dealing with Comcast.
Sixth co-worker just complained about "can't send e-mail".
As far as I am concerned, if I could put the senior management of Comcast on the Terrorist Watch List so that they'd have to undergo a colonoscopy every time they got within ten miles of an airport, that'd be fine. If I could get the Navy to carry out a TLAM-N strike or get the Air Force to fire a AGM-129 with the "dial-a-yield" set on "incinerate" at Comcast's headquarters, that'd be really tempting.
I'm tired. I'm really cranky. And I have to spend more time on the phone dealing with Comcast.
I'd rather gargle with ground glass.
I hate those fuckers.
UPDATE: Comcast is experiencing "latency" (whatever the frak that means) with their business e-mail servers. It is so bad now they have it as the entry message to their technical support weenies.
Break out the mud slabs and the stylii.
We Upcharge The Upstarts
1 hour ago
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