I don't leave food out for my cats. Two of the three are overweight[1], so I pick their kibble up after they've had breakfast and dinner.
So the change to Standard Time is not fun. As far as they are concerned, the food is an hour late. When I get home in the evening, they are sitting in the window, watching for my arrival. They hop down from the window sill when they see me and they are waiting by their feeding stations when I open the door.
The morning is a little less enjoyable, for until they become accustomed to the changed feeding time, George and Gracie in particular try to get me to get up at 5am to feed them. Gracie's favorite tactic is the Purr Bomb; she lies next to my head and turns her purr motor on "high." George sometimes tries that, but he is also willing to try poking me with his paw or knocking stuff from the dresser onto the floor.
I've lived on both the western and eastern areas of a time zone and it is just weird. If you're in the western part, it is not full dark in the summer until 10pm, which makes for very late fireworks on the Fourth. If you're in the eastern part, right now it's almost dark at quitting time. When I set out for my after-work perambulation, I carry a 4 D-cell Maglite to illuminate the dark areas and also to provide a bit of a deterrent.
So I go for my walk, at least until the snows come and make walking at night problematic. And soon, the cats will adjust to the change of time.
[1] Jake was overweight before he came to me.
Watch Your Hands Or Catch Mine
50 minutes ago
Heh. Yeah, that morning wakeup call is a PITA this time of year. The Mighty Fang does the purr-bomb and pokes his (very cold) nose into my face. Mencken merely yowls miserably that I'm not properly catering to his needs. But they're finally getting adjusted to the new time. Now if only I could get adjusted to it being dark outside at 4:50pm...
- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
I know. I hate getting out of work and it being nearly or full dark.
Last night, George decided that one of his noisy toys needed to be attacked at 11PM. That is, after he managed to bat it down the hall and into my bedroom, so I could witness his skills. Such a considerate kitty.
Mayday's stomach is on the same time zone. which is feed me "NOW",
The little scratch on my chin, courtesy of Tigger on Sunday morning has almost disappeared.
fjb, guess you also got the "Ma, my claws need clipping" message.
Scully, you don't write much about Mayday in your blog.
Anyway, the cats seem to have adjusted to the time change. They did faster than I, for I woke up at 5AM (but I went back to sleep).
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